Featured Coaches

Discover a select group of top nutrition and fitness coaches in the ICN India community. These experts have a proven record of success within the ICN India shows with regards to Natural Comp prep, Peak Week, ICN Posing and Off-Season development. ICN Pros who are coaches are also listed here.

Please note: This is not a paid service. This list is a free service for dedicated coaches within the ICN INDIA community who have consistently brought teams and aligned with science and evidence-based protocols.

If you wish to be on this list, please email admin@icnindia.in and let us know your achievements as a coach within ICN INDIA to be considered for the list.

Featured Coaches List

Nazeer Science backed contest preparation/conditioning, peak weeks, step by step posing guidance Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Kripal Team Kripal Fitness Natural Contest Prep & Comp Posing Odisha
Aeku Dinesh Kumar Teamddfitness Fat Loss / Natural contest prep Hyderabad
Saaheel Khatib Sharma Natural contest prep Goa
Sandesh Soans Team TMB (Transform Me Bro) Natural Body Transformation & Contest Prep Bangalore
Ashish Sharma Team M3 (Muscle Maker Machine) Everything Hypertrophy, Comp prep Hyderabad
Ashwin Shaped by Ashwin Mens Physique & Classic physique competition prep Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Jason Moktan Individuated Competition Conditioning coaching, fat loss, muscle/weight gain Darjeeling , West Bengal
Kamal Saini Team Kamal Contest prep(infs/nasm/nesta ongoing) fat loss and clinical nutrition Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Vishnu Mohan Team Vishnu Comp prep (men,women), Lifestyle coach, Photoshoot prep Pune
Dipankar Team Dipankar Sports Model, Fitness Model, Men's Physique and Bikini (Fem) Kolkata (online)
Karan Trivedi Atomicfit Lifestyle and body transformation coach and Prep coach Delhi
Dikshant Kathayat Teama2g Lifestyle & contest prep & posing coach Bangalore
Shubham Shewale Fit Factory Fitness experts & certified coach, Comp Prep Pune
Akshay Sellu Akshay Sellu Fitness Natural Contest Coaching, Wellness, Lifestyle Transformations, Posing,Bodybuilding, Classic, Fitness Model and Physique Coaching Bangalore/Online
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